Welcome to Pacific Coast Miniatures
Check out my latest projects:

Model Railroad Turnout Control Using Servos and an Arduino Nano
This project has always been something I wanted to tackle. However it was intimidating as it involved electronics I had not had any experience in yet. However sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet and get wet. So my first step was to order a bunch of components from Amazon: Here is…

Abandoned Japanese Shops Building Diorama
When I was in Japan in November 2022 I went by this building every day for a week bringing my daughter to Japanese elementary school. I was intrigued by the building which clearly looked abandoned and it brought up lots of questions. I took just one photo: I knew that when I came back home…

Lighted Steam Loco Diorama
Steam locomotives are nostalgic. For many of us, we may never have seen a steam locomotive in service. For the older folks you may remember seeing them in service as a child. I had this old HO steam locomotive from a long-since dismantled project that I built for my late dad. It was a real…