Model Railroad Projects
I have an N scale model railroad that I’ve expanded from the original 2.5 x 5 foot layout I started in my apartment bedroom.
It has sat more or less untouched for a few years due to some other priorities and projects, but I’m getting back into planning some projects.

Here are the projects I have planned:
- Convert all turnouts to servo control through an Arduino Uno that I can also control through JMRI
- VIA Rail RDC (Rail Diesel Car) build – trying to replicate as closely as I can the RDCs that used to run on Vancouver Island from Victoria to Courtney, BC
- Johnston St. “Blue Bridge” – the iconic bascule railroad/street bridge that joined downtown Victoria to Esquimalt, BC that was demolished a few years ago and replaced with a modern bridge. The above mentioned RDCs travelled on this bridge everyday to reach their downtown train station.
- Y-hut – a small building situated on the campus of the University of Victoria (where I work) that used to be used by the military decades ago. A very unique building with its rounded corners and curved windows.
- Furniture factory – a building on the edge of the aisle that will be fully outfitted as a woodworking shop producing custom furniture
- City block – a street on the edge of a city that will contain a couple of condominium blocks and the iconic Munro’s book store which is here in Victoria, BC. The street itself will have metered parking with EV charging stations, a street divider with rose bushes and bus stops with shelters.
- Canyon – a deep canyon with a rail line on one side spanned by a double-tracked wood trestle over a bubbling stream
- Deertrail resort – this is an abandoned building that was being built many years ago in a wooded area just outside of Victoria, BC
- Snowy stretch – I really want to experiment with modelling snow, so I have a stretch on my upper deck that I hope to scenic with a snow scene. Just have to figure out how to transition in and out of the snow scene as the rest of my layout doesn’t have any snow on it.
- Staging yard – currently I have a staging yard that is off layout on my workbench. It uses a traversing slide to connect the lead track to 4 different staging tracks. I don’t like this format as it takes away space on my workbench, so hope to convert this to cassettes instead that I can simply swap out when I need to move a train into or out of staging.
- And a whole lot more projects that I have either started or just haven’t completed!